Mr. Richard I. Liguid and Atty. Adonis Arc P. Gumahad
Seeking to provide excellent legal service in the Mindanao region, the firm’s third branch office was established in Cagayan de Oro City on June 27, 2006. In putting up a branch office in Cagayan de Oro, the only Manila-based law firm to do so, SVBB endeavors to protect intellectual property rights generated by the City’s dynamic and progressive economy. In the same vein, SVBB’s presence in Mindanao brought it closer to Mindanaoan seafarers seeking competent and adequate legal service and assistance.
Contact Information
Address: 2nd Floor, Hans Realty Building, J.R. Borja Street
Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Philippines
Telefax No.: (+63-8822) 850-5387
Email: svbb_cdo@sapalovelez.com